To me, these scrumptious granola bars tasted like a healthier version of a chocolate chip, coconut, vanilla, banana cookie.
To the rest of my family...
How rude.
First, gather up all the ingredients.
This recipe is inspired by Undressed Skeleton again, however, I tweaked the ingredients to work with what I already had lying around in the kitchen.
Let's be honest. Too poor to be affordin' all the organic stuff.
Aldi's girl. All the way.
-1 cup coconut flakes
-1 large banana
-1 cup oats
-1 tablespoon pure vanilla
-1/2 cup chia seeds
-1/4 cup almond milk
-chocolate chips. I am not one to judge on your desired chocolate fix.
Don't forget to preheat over to 350!
Put all ingredients (besides almond milk) in mixing bowl.
Stir on medium for a few minutes. Mix it. Mix it real good.
Then, slowly add in the almond milk to moisten it all together
Mhmmmmm moisttttt granola.... me, it smells better than it looks....
Take mixture out of bowl and spread into square on baking sheet with a spatula.
Or, just toss that useless spatula aside and get your hands a little dirty. Works much faster.
Then, sprinkle and gently press some chocolate chips to the top of the granola until satisfied.
Proceed to add a couple more.
Then, bake in oven for 11-13 minutes or until the sides begin to look a little crispy.
Cut bars into even squares, rectangles, circles, stars, or even hearts if your artistic abilities are up to par.
Let cool.
(or take my sister's side and poo poo on the poopies. Your choice.)